Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lollipop-heads and trout-pouts

Half a dozen or so years ago, the term lollipop-head was coined to describe the actresses and the A, B (and D) listers who became so thin that their heads looked disproportionately large compared to their bodies. It described the then-fashionable wafer-thin Sarah Michelle Geller, Olsen twin and Nicole Richie, amongst others.

Despite the continuing swarm of chupa-chup starlets (the chicks from the new Beverly Hills 90210 and The Hills whose names I refuse to learn; and the likes of yo-yoing Lindsay Lohan) we don’t hear the term as much. But as I watch a rather-thin Miley Cyrus gyrating around on television, I can’t help wondering how their scrawny necks cope with the mountain of hair they carry upon their seemingly-large chupa-chup heads.

The thinness thing is not new, nor does it seem that it will ever get ‘old’. Weight (loss and gain) remains the fodder of women’s magazines which guilelessly feature articles on excessive thinness and eating disorders beside those on how to lose 20kgs in a week.

Given my recent predilection for TV on DVD and the ability to watch months of television productions over a weekend, I am finding myself intrigued with those actresses who become thinner as the show progresses. I suspect the change is more evident when – like me – you watch the series in one fell-swoop, rather than from week to week where the difference is more subtle.

You read about the ‘peer pressure’ on set when everyone else is thin. But the phenomenon that also interests me is the change between the ‘pilot’ and the rest of the season. Presumably Directors and Producers select actors who impress them – for whatever reason (talent, looks etc). So it is interesting that the timelapse – however long – between the filming of a pilot and the rest of the first season can bring about dramatic changes and I wonder why the actresses feel this need to ‘streamline’.

I have just finished watching the first series of the 2003 show, Dead Like Me. Foisted upon me by the helpful assistant at my local Blockbuster video store, I find myself entranced by the show centred around a bunch of grim-reapers.

The actress playing the lead role, Ellen Muth, isn’t your typical starlet. Not stereotypically beautiful, Muth playing misfit George (who is killed by a falling toilet from a Russian Space Station) is perfectly cast as the apathetic 18-year old and delivers her deadpan lines in her own alluring way.

I noticed nothing unusual about her as the series commenced, but she became noticeably thinner as the season progressed. I wondered then, when she had started to change and if her twig-like body had previously been hidden because of its vanishing girth. With a naturally round face, the lollipop-head phrase could have been coined with Muth in mind. Mid season she bares her arms and I could ‘barely’ look. Her forearms were actually larger than her biceps and so thin that an ever-present large vein looked like a tattooed racing stripe on her upper arm. I cringed every time I looked.

But, as I was loving the show, I squinted through the remainder of episodes. In fact I liked the show so much I went online after I had finished watching Season 1, to get information about the second (and final) Season. I am not sure why it is I keep discovering shows on DVD which were axed years before – Firefly, Pushing Daisies, now Dead Like Me. If I was more self-obsessed I would think there was some cause and effect thing happening and it was all about me….?!

My extensive research (hurrah for Google) also uncovered a made-for-DVD movie of the show, filmed only this year. Interested, I clicked on the link to take me to the movie’s website and that was my moment of disappointment. The website featured an interview with star of the show and (new) movie, Ellen Muth. Now 5-6 years since the Season 1, Muth (who purportedly is a member of Mensa, so should not be unduly influenced by inane Hollywood fads) has done the unthinkable. She has (hmm….how to put it politely….?) “had some work done”. In fact, it almost certainly appeared that she now has the apt-phrased ‘trout-pout’. Already blessed with full lips, Muth’s mouth is now over-inflated and ridiculously caricature-like on her face.

I don’t understand it. I am not generally opposed to plastic surgery (as long as one admits to it – cos otherwise it is basically lying. I often fantasise about botox but know I would feel obliged to admit it to anyone who asked. Or even anyone who didn’t! And, my upper lip is a tad thin, so sure a bit of inflation would be great – but I wouldn’t dare go there as we have oft-seen the disastrous results).

I – like most of those on this orb-we-call-earth – was a huge Meg Ryan fan. Until the plastic surgery debacle that resulted in her cute impish beauty becoming the inscrutable mask, which has seen most of her recent movies tank in a big way. I recall the release of Kate & Leopold (possibly the beginning of the end), and everyone’s horror at what she had done to herself – and her career. I can’t help wonder if Nicole Kidman’s current fascination for smooth skin will also see the demise of her career.

While the plastic surgery horror-stories are many, what intrigues me are those who don’t seem to realise how ridiculous they look. When it first aired, I was a fan of TV show, Cold Case. I recall much of Australia was smitten with Kathryn Morris – she of the barely-pinned-up hair, fragile features and porcelain skin. I wasn’t actually smitten, but I could see why people thought she was attractive. And then, somewhere along the line something happened. I cannot pinpoint exactly when, but when a new season of Cold Case started I innocently tuned in, only to be horrified by the TV-cop who was once a favourite. She was all lips. I couldn’t focus on anything else. Kathryn Morris’s face barely moved – there were no expressions, just these swollen things in the middle of her head pouting and slapping together. I haven’t been able to watch the show since.

Perhaps there is some scientific basis to it all. I wonder if the whole inflated-lips thing helps the lollipop-heads’ balance, or reduces the pressure on their tiny necks? Akin to a helium balloon on a piece of string? Hmmm…. something to ponder.

But for now, I am flummoxed. Having recently discovered Dead Like Me, I can’t help wondering when Hollywood’s obsession with homogenization resulted in the lead actor, Ellen Muth’s decision to go-the-way-of-others-before-her and adopt the trout-pout. I hope I can at least get through Season 2 before I am distracted by her oversized choppers! From all accounts the movie is a bit of a dud anyway!


  1. Ellen Muth has bulimia. She had it even during "Dead Like Me"--you can tell by her swollen glands and the tension she holds in her face. I believe her issues are deeper than "Hollywood Trends in appearance." In fact, because she is such a unique person, it probably is harder for her to accept herself where she is. I can recognize it because I used to have it, too. You never know what someone is going through.

  2. Hey there. I guess I had assumed she was suffering from an eating disorder, as I don’t think you can be that thin naturally. I can’t help but wonder if (she wasn’t in the industry) if she still would have suffered from bulimia. Having been there myself I know it is often more about internal battles rather than public perception, though in TV, fashion, music, movies it must be a zillion times worse!

    I know when you are in that state / mindset you often still see yourself as overweight and stopping (dieting) is sometimes harder than starting. Not to mention that it can be (was for me, anyway) all about ‘control’. I just wish there was more backlash from that industry about its stars succumbing to reed-thin mirror images of each other (stick figures, big hair and big lips)!!!!

    1. There are many reasons people can be "that thin" mental health being one ie anerexia and bulimia. Others being genetics. Fast metabolism, physical health conditions ie ibs, crohns, gastroperesis, dysmotility, dumping syndrome, malabsorbtion, malnutrition, food allergies.

  3. I'd watched the first season of Dead Like Me back in 2003, and I really liked it. I thought Ellen was perfectly cast, and quite pretty in her own, unconventional way. I do remember noticing how painfully skinny her arms seemed starting halfway through the season.

    A few months ago, I saw the TV movie on Netflix. The change in her appearance was horrifying. It wasn't just the plastic surgery, but the way her faced looked... Even though her character is supposed to be only 18, and the actress is no older than 30, she easily looked like she could be in her 40s. Like, ridden HARD into her 40s on a steady diet of coke.

  4. Now girlfriends, we all know what happens to peoples who talk about others eating disorders in third party....have fun with YOUR lives huns, im sure it isnt much better :D

  5. I loved the comment about liking shows that pass after 2-3 seasons. Maybe we are cursed :(

  6. Monica, I HOPE your YOU NEED LOVE comment wasn't directed to the anonymous post that was before your own. This whole entire blog has made me sick and that anonymous post was the only saving grace of this whole screwed up ridiculously f*#%ed up blog. How disgusting of a woman are you (whomever writes this completely bass ackwards blog) to talk about another woman whom you don't even know in that way. It's girls like you that have created the lack of sisterhood between females in this country. If you want to talk about a show, talk about the damn show. It;s brilliantly written and beautifully acted. You don't know what she or anyone else who was a part of the production was going through during filming nor do you know what advice (whether you think it was good or bad is irrelevant, I would actually LOVE to see a picture or your obviously FAT ASS, so I could rip into you like you have so ignorantly done to Ellen) she was given by her management team. It's women like you that make me angry to be a woman in the United States. Next time you feel so inclined to spew your verbal diarrhea, stop and think how you would feel if some total stranger started talking shit about you and ripping your body apart piece by piece. A body which I can fully assume isn't camera ready. Have a beautiful day you judgmental BITCH.

    1. And you are any different? Wow just reread your own comment and sit with that hostility. Really!

  7. My bad, your Australian. Doesn't make it any better. You give all the amazing Australian women I have met in my life a bad name.

  8. I live in CT. About 5 years ago (give or take) my husband had been brought to the emergency room of our local hospital. He was in observation. We were sitting there with the curtain drawn and they admitted another patient next to us. we knew the voice right away. We watched Dead Like Me. I waited a bit and pulled the curtain back. It was her. It was Ellen Muth. She was painfully thin, peach fuzz, and heart palpitations. She was brought in from a clinic in the area that deals with eating disorders.The Dr talked to her about her eating disorder.
    So yes, she does.
    And no, we did not announce a celebrity in the ER..that would have been wrong.

  9. they need love? In deed. But they live in thier own world, no escape. Not real escape.
    don#t know what I would do if i could meet Ellen ... she is great, fantastic, ... nor words for her ...
    Don't talk about their problems. Of none of our stars.
    Thats a real hard bussines, only if you have ever seen behind the reallity behind the scene, then you can talk about. or be quiet with all your theoretics.

    cheers from germany

  10. I live in Milford, CT and always saw Ellen working out at the gym I used to frequent. Glad to her she has gotten help, she always looked so painfully thin.

  11. I love dead like me, have always done. It's my go to when the TV chipss are down. I caught myself wondering what had happened to Ellen. So I googled her, came across a few worrying looking photos of after it where she did look sickly ill. So I googled her being ill and stuff like this came up. I'm sorry but to say she looked bulimic or anorexic in this is totally rubbish. Yes she she does have rather skinny legs but she also has a decent amount of muscle on her arms and a HEALTHY looking stomach and rib cage. I'm not a "skinny Minny" or anything but I have a massive problem with women shaming other women over their natural body shape. Whatever happened to sisterhood honestly? So what if she is slim, she's gorgeous and looks HEALTHY thin in it. I personally would be very happy if I had her figure in it. When are we going to realise that life already hands us a raw deal and in a lot professions we have to work harder than men to get the same respect as men for doing the same job, why do we have to try and belittle each other honestly? Maybe just me, but maybe we should just ry and be nice to EVERYONE!

  12. I love dead like me, have always done. It's my go to when the TV chipss are down. I caught myself wondering what had happened to Ellen. So I googled her, came across a few worrying looking photos of after it where she did look sickly ill. So I googled her being ill and stuff like this came up. I'm sorry but to say she looked bulimic or anorexic in this is totally rubbish. Yes she she does have rather skinny legs but she also has a decent amount of muscle on her arms and a HEALTHY looking stomach and rib cage. I'm not a "skinny Minny" or anything but I have a massive problem with women shaming other women over their natural body shape. Whatever happened to sisterhood honestly? So what if she is slim, she's gorgeous and looks HEALTHY thin in it. I personally would be very happy if I had her figure in it. When are we going to realise that life already hands us a raw deal and in a lot professions we have to work harder than men to get the same respect as men for doing the same job, why do we have to try and belittle each other honestly? Maybe just me, but maybe we should just ry and be nice to EVERYONE!

  13. I see her every week in Stratford, ct and she is still very thin. I hope she gets healthy.Was always a fan.

  14. I just happened upon this thread because I feel like there is a good chance the series got cancelled because their lead starlet was clearly wasting away. I juat stumbled upon the series this weekend when there was a marathon playing. I also happened to meet her at a tanning salon I owned in Milford, CT and she was shockingly thin. This was also right around the time her show got dropped (2004/ 2005) ... She was with her father and he actually spoke for her, which gave the appearance that she was too stuck up to speak to "the help" herself. She was the same age as me but appeared about 10 years older because of the dark circles around her sunken eyes. Apparently life imitates art because she looked like death.

  15. she was so funny and likeable as george, why would she do this to herself.. poor girl

  16. People with eating disorders often deal with depression and social anxiety. It’s not unusual for them to need a safe adult to speak for them in social situations due to high anxiety and low self esteem.

  17. This is my forth time watching this series and love it more now than the last time. Yes she is very thin, so what. That warm smile and her voice toped off with her personality makes this show very watchable. After all this time it still has a draw. Would like to see a new series with her staring in it. She is my ten+
