Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sweet Dreams....

Despite my love of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the recent Twilight books, I have never been a fan of other-worldly phenomenon or the supernatural. Or the occult. Or anything intangible. (Sorry mum and KC!). I need proof. I am the sort of gal who needs some tangible, irrefutable evidence in order to believe.

Having said all of that, I have become increasing conscious, over the past few years, of my dreams. Before I moved into my current place (3 ½ years ago) I never remembered my dreams. I dreamt, I know that, but I rarely remembered what I dreamt. Occasionally I would get a flash the following day or as my head hit the pillow the next night.

I now live in a place more exposed to light and sound, so can only blame those factors for the increasing rate of dream activity. My dreams are now are so vivid and so regular that I bought one of those books. You know the kind. “Dream Analysis 101”. Or “Dream Analysis for Dummies!” Or similar! And, I have also been forced to Google some of my dream topics, such is my desperation.

One of the dreams I have had FOREVER is actually a common one. My teeth fall out. In some way or manner. It can be one or several – but never all of them, mostly just the one. I am always relieved in my dream to discover that it is a side tooth and that people will barely notice it. Of course on waking I am even more relieved to discover that I still have a mouth full of teeth.

Fortunately for me – and myriads of others apparently – this is one of those common dreams. There are a few others: being naked; being chased; flying; and falling.

But, back to me! Apparently, losing your teeth in a dream can indicate that you are feeling child-like. Or that you are sensing a loss of power, a feeling of being out of control or disempowered. Or, they can relate to our anxiety about how we are perceived by others, our attractiveness, or ageing. Sadly I suspect both analyses would fit me. I don’t have it regularly and my response to this is to consider, next time I have it, what is happening in my life or on my mind.

Another dream which I have now had over a decade or two, has related to contact lenses. I know, it seems ridiculous. But, it was worse (and more regular) when I was playing sport. In my dream, I would be dressing, ready to go and play in some important competition and my lenses would be ripped, or even more often – they would be huge. I would then be left in front of a mirror trying to insert these MASSIVE lenses into my eye.

Interestingly – or not – the contact lens thing isn’t listed amongst the common dreams, so I am yet to understand that that might be telling me. It seems (from my extensive research!!) that dreams about eye glasses being cracked can refer to ‘not seeing things clearly’. Hmmm…

However (and back to my original point), nowadays I have two common dreams and the issue is on my mind, because I had one of them last night. (Again!) From my reading, the reason you have recurring dreams is that your subconscious is trying to tell you something. I guess the reasoning is that – once you resolve the issue at hand – the dreams stop.

Recurring Dream Number One, involves me missing a bus. Just. I am rushing to a bus stop or a bus station, or I go to the wrong stop first and I just miss the bus. Of course in real life I would be frustrated and wait for the next one, or just get a taxi!

I guess, the dream started about a year ago. At first I thought it was linked to the fact that my usual bus stop in the city did actually change. So the first time it seemed like I could actually translate that literally – that I was worried I would forget about the change. But it has continued.

The obviously analogy would relate to me ‘missing the boat’ (or bus in my instance). I am 41years old. Single, alone. The lesson would not be lost on me. But can it really be that obvious? That literal? Surely the psychic ‘powers that be’ would have a couple of plot twists!!?

Recurring Dream Number Two, varies but always involves a plane. Sometimes I travel to a location and then have difficulties finding my passport or completing arrival forms. Sometimes the plane breaks down. On occasions it crashes – though not in a manner that causes me any injuries. The dream itself isn’t specific enough for me to do much research. Apparently the traveling part can relate to taking a ‘journey in life’ or the ‘transition to something new’. Being on a plane can be about ‘getting a better view’. Of course the crash scenario can indicate that one is ‘setting overly ambitious goals’ (obviously ‘the crash and burn’ scenario).

This was the dream I dreamt last night. I was with my father (also possibly my mother, though she wasn’t the focus) and we arrived in a place which I think was Germany (having never been – or wanted to go – I am not sure). My father, unaccustomed to travel was unaware of the need to submit travel papers and became stressed on arrival. I recall trying to help him and the fact that we needed to step out of the queue and take some time to complete the paperwork. But that’s it. As much as I remember. I am an impatient traveller, so I can imagine the delay would frustrate me. However, as is usually the case, I woke (or stopped dreaming) before anything else happened. I never tend to actually arrive properly at my destination - I become thwarted in my attempts (perhaps that is the lesson in itself - something to do with achieving my goals? Or not!)

So… despite my (admitted) uncertainty about the psychic world, it makes sense to me that my mind takes me to a place where it wants me to be when I don’t have control of it. It points me in a direction for a reason. So, until I work these ones out and move onto something else, I will keep dreaming and wait for the lessons to begin!

1 comment:

  1. I find dreams fascinating, although sometimes I really think it is just my mind unloading a whole heap of stored junk in random order. The recurring dreams are interesting though...and although you know I don't believe in the whole psychic side of things, I do think they can be our brains' way of ordering inner turmoil.

    I had one for years where I was being chased by some unspecified scary thing and I ran and jumped off a cliff, whereupon I floated gently down, down, down into the water. I continued to sink to the bottom (I actually think I was curled up in the foetal position in the water) until I hid the bottom of the ocean floor, at which point I woke with a start, each and every time. Interesting...
