Saturday, January 10, 2009


I am - if I do say so myself - a really good list-maker. They tell you to do that in the magazines; and in the questionnaires they ask, "Do you make lists?” If you don’t, they tell you to start, as it is a sign that you are ‘organised’.

I make lists. I am a maker of lists. Lots of them and for all sorts of things. What to pack when going away, a timetable for the next day, shopping, and my all-time-favourite. The ‘to-do’ list.

The process seems to fall over for me however, between the making of a list and the doing of the things actually ON the list.

Maybe I am mentally organised, but not physically.

I do the right things – the things they tell you to in magazines; I aim for small goals, achievable steps. As an example: Day 1: Find Yellow Pages; Day 2: Open Yellow Pages; Day 3: Look up Electricians; Day 4: Decide which to call…. You get the point.

Impossible to break these down any more. I think I employ this strategy so I can over-achieve. “Oh my god! I got the Yellow Pages out, looked up AND called the electrician on day 1. I am days ahead of schedule. And I’m fabulous!”

Sometimes I force myself NOT to make a list. That way when I don’t actually do something I wasn’t supposed to, I don’t feel too guilty about it.

I used this strategy on my last holidays. I had two weeks off. While I knew the sense of accomplishment I would feel from (tidying my desk and thereby ticking it off my list) I know that I would stress about HAVING to do it from the moment midnight ticked over to start my holidays. So, there was no list. I did some of the stuff I meant to, but not others. “Clean the Fridge” remains on a list from 6 months ago.

Each weekend the task looms before me. Just like exercise - also constantly on my lists – but remains a bit hit and miss.

Today I decided, would be the day I would clean the fridge. Of course the schedule I developed last night (ie. 7.30 – 8.00am walk; 8.30 – 9.30 finish typing work stuff; 9.30 – 10.00am clean fridge) didn't exactly come to fruition, though I have done the work stuff. And I have clipped some pictures from magazines and sent some emails (incidentally neither were on my list!!!)

Making lists can fool me into thinking that everything is under control. I don’t have to worry about stuff if I can list it down on paper. It means I am doing something. Even if I am not! Interestingly, most of my lists are made at night, in bed, when I can't sleep and things are playing on my mind.

Of course, sometimes the lists themselves can be a challenge. I am currently working on the big-mamma of lists.... my New Year's Resolutions (or goals) for 2009. But more on that at a later date.

Hmmm… it is now midday, so I will do the fridge before 5pm. That gives me some flexibility as I may need a little rejuvenating nanna nap, bit of TV first……

Postscript: I cleaned the fridge between 5.15 – 5.45pm. Having woken from longer-than-expected nanna nap, I was supposed to go for a walk for that half hour, but interestingly, even the fridge was more appealing. Of course once I finished I realized that I hadn’t factored the freezer in. Hmmm… will leave that for a later date. Don’t want to get TOO keen.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats!! You got the fridge clean. That is something to celebrate, my dear. And I would also like to point out that in the very act of posting this blog you have fulfilled another one of your list items. Two in one day! You have set high standards for yourself :)
